Sunday, January 11, 2009


THE BOND THAT THRETENS                                                                        Shashi Tharoor

Tharoor believes that the Indian commitment to family is a threat to environment. Do you agree?


How Shshi Tharoor describes a general problem with the help of a common problem?

                                 Shashi Tharoor is a member if our new generation of writers. He is a famous novelist and a columnist in several news papers. Being, an Indian, he is well aware of India’s current problem. ‘The bond that threatens’ is an essay published on September 25, 2005 in his regular column in ‘the Hindu’. In this essay he explains Indians most severe and problematic matter, pollution and its cause. Tharoor says that it is our commitment to family that makes pollution a worse thing.

                                According to Mr.Tharoor, India is a country in which individualism and liberalization are in practical use. We consider our family of the essential part of the life. Like Waylon people, we never destroyed our family. We can even sacrifice our life or our family. We consider family rather than society. We never help our family members. This shows that Indian’s are in deep love with their family.

                                India is a country of several languages religious, and cast. These cast and religious harries, spoil our progress. Because we consider you’re religious our cast is best. We only make friendship and relation with members of our religions or cast. If we consider all power. If we consider the hold world as one family become paradise.

                                Shashi Tharoor says that if we consider the hold world as our family itself the entire leading problem which tribe our country and our world. Indian’s of fern through waste product in the corner of the street and the front of other houses. We cut down our forest and these results to several pollution, air pollution, water pollution and nose pollution. Our metropolitan cities are not only famous for their population. But also famous for our pollution cities like Kolkata and Mumbai are how trapped in he smoke of vehicle, several respiratory disease, conscious are in common in these cities.

                                Shashi Tharoor argues that the rich who enjoy the development ignore pollution and environment problem. Those who argue and work for the protection of the environment are involved in Chico Andolan and Narmada Andolan. Such people work earnestly for a green society. But Tharoor his opinion that the state of ecology in present century is not good. Shashi Tharoor gives two options to solve the problem of India, leave in a poor society or deposers in the mist of pollution.

                                Shashi Tharoor’s view is that the strong commitment of the Indian to the family is a treat to the environment. According to him, population is a general problem taking our world. Tharoor makes it a common matter by speaking about Indian society that is Tharoor is speaking about Indian by placing a matter, which has universal relevance.




  1. We have been to overwhelmed with all the technological advancements and developments around the world that we have forgotten we have mother earth to take care of. As a consequence,the place that we live in is polluted and we have to do something about it. It's time to start caring for our mother earth.

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