Sunday, January 11, 2009



                        Chief Seattle was a respected and peaceful leader of one of the North West Indian nation. The present extract is an eloquent speech when the Govt in washington DC wabted to by the land of read indians,he respected in his native tunque . His word’s where transcribed by Dr:Henory A Smith,who know him well. To all of the Native American people every creative and part of the earth was sacred. Chief Seattle belives tha to waste oe distroy nature and its wounderds is to distroy life itself.

                        Chief Seattle warns the white Americans that could not buy the land of red Indians. According to him, every part of the earth is sacred. Every shying pine needless every sandy shows every mist in the clock woulds, every dearing and humming incites is holly in the memmory and experience of his people. The sap which course through the trees carries the memmories of the earth and the earth is part of the people. The performed flowers are their sisters. The deer, hoose, the great egle are their brothers. The great in Washington to expressid his wish to buy the land of red Indians. He had promissed that he wills resrve aplce so that they can leave confortably among themselves.

                        Chief Seattle request the while Americans that if the sell their land they must consider the land as sacred. He is must teach his children tha each gosttly reflection in the clear water of takes tells the events and memmorise of red Indians. The water’s murmmer is the voice of his father’s father. The river carries canoes and feed the children. The white American is a srtonger who comes in the night and takes from the land what he needs. The earth is not his brother but his enimy. He leaves his father graves behand and he does not care any thing. He considered the earth as things to be bought and plundered.

                        Seattle was the white American to treat the beast of this land as brothers. He expressed his anger by saying that the smoking iron horse can be more important beast man is buffalo that be kill to stay alive. Without beast man is nothing. If the entire beast were gone, man would die from a great lordliness of sprit. Whatever happens to man? All these things are connected.

                        The white man may one day discover the god is the same for all the people. He may think that he own him as he wish to own the land. But he is a god of man. His compassion is equal for the Redman and white. The earth is sacred to him and to harm the earth is to heap contempt on its creator. By the strength on god we will shine brightly even in the destruction. The same god who brought the white American to this land for some purpose and gave him dominion over this land and over the Redman.

                        Robert Forest said. “All the fun is how you say a thing”. Chief Seattle presents his subject in a well neigh inimitable style. The style of the writer is notable for its cogency and simplicity. It is devoid of complexity and the writer exercise street economy in the use of words. Guided by an unerring tenancy for putting proper word in proper place the author expressed the idea with remarkable directness and clarity.

Short questions:

1; what does the great chief in Washington demand from the Redman?

                        The great chief in Washington expressed his wish to buy the land of red Indians. He had his word that he will reserve a place for them. So that they can live comfortable among themselves.

2; why does Seattle say “our dead never forget this beautiful earth”?

                        Chief Seattle remarked that the beautiful earth is the mother of Redman and they are part of the earth. The performed flowers are sisters; the deer horse and the great eagle are ‘brothers. The rocky cants the juice in the meadows and the body heat at the pony are all part of the same family.

3; why does the chief reject U.S President offer to buy their land?

                        Chef Seattle suggests that it will not be too easy for the Americans to buy the land of red Indians because that land is sacred to them. The shining water that moves in the stream and rivers is not just water but blood of ancestors of the red Indians.

4; why does Seattle say that the white man’s appetite will devour the earth?

                        Chief Seattle opines that the white man is like a stranger who comes in the night and takes from the land whatever he needs. He considered the earth as his enemy. He kidnaps the earth from his children. He had forgotten his brother us things to be plundered and sold like sheep or bright beads. So he believes that his appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert.

5; what does the chief mean by ‘our ways are different from your ways”?

                        The ways of the red Indians are different from that of the white Americans. The sight of the cities of white man pains the eyes of the red man. There is no quiet place in white man’s cities. They could not bear the unfurling of leaves in spring and the rusting of wings. The place id devoid of the lonely cry of the whip poor will bird. So he says that their ways are different from the white man

6; how does Seattle explain the relationship between man and the beasts?

                        Seattle was the white American to treat the beast of this land as brothers. He expressed his anger by saying that the smoking iron horse can be more important beast man is buffalo that be kill to stay alive. Without beast man is nothing. If the entire beast were gone, man would die from a great lordliness of sprit. Whatever happens to man? All these things are connected.

7; what, according to Seattle, must the white man teach his children?

                        Chief Seattle wants the white American to teach his children that earth is sacred and earth ghostly reflection in the clear water of the lakes tells of the events and memories of the Redman. The water’s murmur is the voice of his father’s father. The rivers are brothers and there for they must gives the rivers the kindness.

8; why does Seattle say that whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth? Chief Seattle opines the ground beneath our feet is ashes of our grand fathers. So that we will respect the land, the earth is rich with the lives of our kith and kin. Therefore, earth befalls the sons of the earth.

9; what is the Redman’s concept of god?

                        The White man may one day discover that the god is same for all the people. Even the White man cannot be exempted from the common destiny. In the eyes of god, everyone is alike. His compassion is equal for the Red people and White people. The earth is precious to god and to herm; he earth is to heap contempt on its creator.                  







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