Sunday, January 11, 2009



Write an essay on the following in about three pages.

                                                Indira Gandhi served as the prime minister of India for three consecutive terms. She was the only child of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of independent India. Indira Gandhi wrote and lectural extensively.  The clarity and expressiveness of his language is amazing. In this extract Indian women; Mrs. Gandi painstakingly presents illustrations from our mythology, vedas and upanisheds to prove that women in ancient India enjoyed full freedom and equality. This extract is a spanking testimony to the pulchritude of her style

                        Indira gandi reminds us that Indian mythology has a beautiful concept of ardhanareshwara, that is a half female and half male combination to make the to a divine couple the name of the female is always taken first that showed the high position reserved for the female. Indira gandi gives as a vivid picture of the Indian women who stood for the liberation of women from the clutches of society. The first Indian women who stood for the liberation and equality of women was chitra. She was a princess. She was the only child of a king of Manipur. She undertook the difficult task of an heir. She became rather rough and unfeminine. Chitra fell in love with the pandava princess, Arjuna but she was despaired of catching his yes because of her own plainness and lack of appeal. Chitra beseeched the goddess to grant her beauty for just one year. No one recognized chitra in her guise. Finally, she decided to reveal her identity and her original form. Chitra requested Arjuna to permit her to share the duties of his life.

                        In ancient Indian women enjoyed full freedom and equality. Philosophers such as gargi, sanghamitra daughter of emperor ashoka enriched the tradition of Indian culture. Sangamitra was the first missionary who undertakes the long and perilous journey by road to a part on the east cost and then by sea, in order to carry the message of Buddha is teaching to Ceylon. There were so many great personalities like leelavathi, malli the princess of vidha, ruzia sultana, mirabai the Devote of Krishnan lived in India. Ahilyabai was one among them she was deeply religious and renowned as a saint. She proved to be an able administrator and courageous general in battle. Her rule often cited as a model of benevolent and of effective government.

                        There is innumerable example of typical Indian women who emerged from the shelter of family life. Straight in to confrontation with the crudest elements of society. They showed enormous courage and ability in handling various party posts. They also proved that there was no need for a special movement of women’s liberation. One such example was Nellie sen gupta. The Britisher who made her home in India and became immediately involved in the freedom struggle and she was made the president of the INC. she was a brave women. After independence, she decided to stay on in Pakistan in spite of personal difficulties and separation from her family. In order to sustain the morale of the minority communities, the Hindus and tribal is she remained deeply concerned with the people and their problems.   

                        Indira gandi emphasizes view that there was no conflict between man and women. Since both were engaged in a common struggle. Jawaharlal Nehru was a mainly responsible for opening up grater opportunities for their increasing involvement in national affaires women of character have proved their brought much misery and devastation. Thousands of women lost their husbands of fathers. As a result they ere forced to stand on their own feet and earn their living. Almost overnight, the social taboo against women of good families working for money swept a side.

                        Indira gandi terminates the extract with the suggestion that in order to translate the legislation in to reality, women must act as abridge between tradition and innovation. They must ensure the continuity and engineer change and growth to keep the society dynamic.  The solution lies in the development of a personality.                                



1) India’s independents to foreigners as described by Indira gandi.

                        India is indebted to many foreigners. They gave us deeper understanding of our own ancient philosophy. Some of them loved India as their own land identified them selves with our problems and served our people with devotion. Most notable among them was anniebesebt, the first women president of the INC. She took part a prominent role in the home rule movement. Nelli sen gupta was another foreigner who made her home in India and became immediately involved in the freedom struggles. She made the congress president after the arrest of her husband. The first western women to be received into any monastic order in India was Margaret noble who took the name to sister nivedita

2) Indira Gandhi’s tribute to Sarojini Naidu?

                        Indira Gandhi gives a beautiful description about Sarojini Naidu the famous Bengalic poet. Her large heartedness, eloquence warm and wit captivated all who met her. She was intensely feminine. She had an avid interest in people and their lives. She lapped up gossip and had a passion for beautiful saris. After independence, Sarojini Naidu became governor of Uttarpradesh. She proved to be ideal for that job and it was largely due to her reassuring presence that Uttarpradesh was free from communal trouble in the grim days.  

1) How will you explain the mythology concept of the ‘Ardhanareshwara’?

                        Indian mythology has a pulchritudinous concept of the Ardhanareshwara, which are half-female and half male companion to make a perfect whole. Indian mythology the name of the female always taken first in referring to a divine couple Sitharam, Radhakrishnan, and Gurisankar are some of the testimonials showing the high position reserved for the female.

2) How does chitra of the Mahabharata era serve as an example of a liberated women?

                        Chitra is the first Indian women who stood for the liberation and equality for women. Chitra was a princess; she was the only daughter of the king of Manipur. She under took all the arduous task of an heir. She became rather rough and unfeminine.

3) Who is Mirabai? Why she described as a rebel saint?

                        Mirabai was a Rajput princess and Hindu mystic. She was a great women saint who belongs to the tradition of Bhakti and composed songs of devotion to lord Krishna.       

4) How did Gandhiji’s non co-operation movement help Indian women?

                        Gandhiji visualized women power and its use in his no co-operation movement. It was a giant step in women’s emancipation. There was a tremendous upsurge and arousing of social consciousness. Women of all classes and castes from town and village, sophisticated well as illiterate come along their men full to take as equal part in the political and constructive programmes of through this movement.

5) who was Nelli sen Gupta ? Why did she choose to stay on in East Pakistan, after Independence?

                        Nelli sen Gupta was a English Women, who married an Indian. She came to India and involved her self in public affairs including the freedom struggle. She imprisoned for four months in 1931. In 1933, she was choosen as president of the Indian National Congress. She lived in East Pakistan After partition.